

Web ViewPoint Enterprise H01AAO-L01AAP is an H, J & L-series TCF release which provides fixes for security vulnerabilities like: 

1) Potential JavaScript security vulnerability
2) Vulnerability 136929 (JQuery 1.2 < 3.5.0 Multiple XSS) detected 

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Version: SPR (T0986) H01AAI – L01AAJ Web ViewPoint Enterprise

Web ViewPoint Enterprise SPR H01^AAI -L01AAJ is a H/J-series and L-series maintenance release that offers advanced features and enhancements including bug fixes & improvements.

Some of the release highlights include:

1) Added support for up to 25 collectors in Events feature
2) Introduced ‘Quick View’ access to aid in easy navigation.
3) Enhanced the suppress/exclude feature in Events by including string in the criteria.
4) Added % CLIM Active Memory to differentiate between active and used.
5) Added ‘TLEs’, ‘LOW PIN’ counters in the Performance-Summary section.
6) Added the ability to send SMS/EMAIL/SYSLOG/SNMP/JSON alerts at the same time.
7) Ability to import owner and subsystem ids from server’s Resident Template files
8) Added support for SNMP v1 & v3 versions.
9) Added support for import Event Profiles from one system to another within neighborhood
10) Added an option to prompt the user to change their password.
11) Added support for ?Regex? in the string field in Events section.
12) Introduced XView feature which enables open architecture.

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Version: SPR (T0952) H01AAW – L01AAX Web ViewPoint Plus

Web ViewPoint Plus H01AAW – L01AAX is a H/J-series & L-series TCF release which provides the fix for security vulnerability:

Web application potentially vulnerable to clickjacking.

Description of vulnerability: The remote web server does not set an X-Frame-Options response header or a Content-Security-Policy ‘frame-ancestors’ response header in all content responses.
This could potentially expose the site to a clickjacking or UI redress attack, in which an attacker can trick a user into clicking an area of the vulnerable page that is different than what the user
perceives the page to be. This can result in a user performing fraudulent or malicious transactions.

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