My NonStop Knowledge Base
Manage Products – Overview
Managing Products
Select Manage on the left pane.
My NonStop shows a list of all Products it currently has installed on your NonStop Server.
Following is displayed per Product:
- If installed, the NonStop Server on which it is installed.
- Short Product description.
- Product version.
- Installation Subvol. Volume and Subvolume where Product was installed.
- Installation Date. Installation date and time.
- Status Whether it is currently running or stopped.
Four icons are displayed on the rightmost of each product:
- Start/Stop. Only one of the two is available, depending on whether the Product is currently running/active. This is how you start or stop a Product.
- Studio Login. If you had previously registered with RA Studio (see earlier installation instructions about creating a Handbook), you may logon and see history of earlier installations and/or download the Handbook for each version.
- Configuration updates. You may change any of the configuration parameters you had entered before. Products (e.g., Web ViewPoint Enterprise) which adhere to RA Studio protocols will be notified of the change in parameter settings. Hence, such Products can accept and incorporate the new changes with no service disruption.
NOTE: To learn more about the configuration parameters in detail, visit this article.
- Remove. Active if Product is stopped, this gives you the option of removing all Product files from your NonStop Server. This is useful when you want to remove an earlier version. A single click (and confirmation) is all it takes.