Shop & Install – Overview
Shop and Install
After a successful logon, the first screen (Shop and Install) shows a list of all available and installed products. Below is a sample screenshot:
It shows a list of available and installed products, for the NonStop Server you connected to.
Following is displayed per product:
- If installed, the NonStop Server on which it is installed.
- Company which produced the Product.
- Short product description.
- Product version.
- Published Date. Date the product was published.
- Installation Date. If installed, date and time of the installation.
Two icons are displayed on the rightmost of each product:
- Install. If installed, the button is Grayed out. Otherwise, a click opens the dialogue to configure and install the Product. There are different options on how to install a product (new or upgrade). These are explained in more details below.
- Upload. If installed, this takes your installation information to Remote Analyst and automatically builds a handbook which it emails you. This handbook may be used by different staff members at your company. Available at no additional cost, this optional feature requires you to register/logon to Remote Analyst.
Installation Options
You have 3 choices:
1. Studio.
Use this feature to download and install directly from NonStop Studio. It downloads a PAK (compressed format on HPE NonStop) file, which contains all files needed to install the Product. My NonStop prompts you to select a location where the PPAK should be downloaded to.
Note: A list of all available Products are displayed when this screen is first shown. To refresh, click on the Refresh icon.
2. NonStop.
This is the method to use if your installation file (PPAK) is already on NonStop. You will be prompted to enter the location and name of that file (vol.subvol.file).
3. My PC.
Use this method if you have the installation file (PPAK) on your PC. Click on the “Choose file” button to select the PPAK file. My NonStop prompts you to select a location where the PPAK file should be downloaded to.
In all three cases, My NonStop unpacks the file on NonStop and reads the installation instructions. You will then be prompted to answer certain configuration questions associated with the product. This differs for each Product and Product Version. It is up to the Producer of the Product to choose which questions should be asked.
You will be prompted with the following for each question:
- Why the question is being asked.
- Its use case.
- Possible values. For instance, if you are to choose from one or more available options, all will be displayed.
Your answer will be verified for each question before the installation process continues.
If applicable, you will be asked whether you want to upgrade from a prior version. If so, you will be prompted to show where the previous version is installed. If it is a valid version of the product, My NonStop then transfers and/or converts all data from that version to the new version.
My NonStop fully takes over the task of installing the product and starting it. This method simplifies the installation process, and to a large degree, eliminates user errors during the configuration process.
As stated earlier, My NonStop even gives you the option of asking RA Studio to create and email you a Handbook, specifically tailored to your installation.