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Shadowbase Monitor


Shadowbase Monitor Installation

You may now integrate metrics from your Shadowbase application on to Web ViewPoint Enterprise (WVP E) using My NonStop. Shadowbase Monitor Plugin can be easily installed using the Studio tab on My NonStop. You start by signing into your My NonStop application using the Group.User or alias who you setup as Manager during the installation. For more information on how to install My NonStop, visit How to Install and Configure My NonStop. After a successful logon, the Home Screen which is the Studio screen lists the latest available Shadowbase Monitor version. You can simply download, install, and start the application on your NonStop server. Note that, installing Web ViewPoint Enterprise is mandatory to onboard Shadowbase Monitor Plugin.

Before starting the installation process, you must have the Guardian and OSS installation locations of Web ViewPoint Enterprise ready. You will need this information for installing this plugin. To begin the installation, simply click on Install button to fetch the installation files from RA Studio and to upload to your NonStop server. This process may take several minutes. Next, a Pre-Installation screen is prompted for you to enter the details of Web ViewPoint Enterprise’s Install location. Once done, the installer goes ahead and unpacks the installation files for Shadowbase Monitor.

You can make your desired changes to Startup Parameters and Configure Params alongside Objects and Metrics now. Make sure to assign unique Startup processes, that the Shadowbase Monitor will be using.

Then set up the Configure Params. Make sure to configure the Collector and Consumer Process names of the Shadowbase application running on your NonStop. If you have multiple Collector and Consumer processes you can configure them here by using a comma separated value. You can also configure other params here such as sample measure parameter file, queue manager process name, and sample interval.

After that, you can choose to collect the Shadowbase Collector & Consumer Objects and their corresponding Metrics. The data will then be collected for the chosen Metrics and will be available on Web ViewPoint Enterprise.

Once you press Install, the wizard proceeds with installing the product. Upon successful completion, it first asks you if you want to logon to RA Studio to receive a personalized Handbook consisting of all the configuration settings and details in it. Upon successful registration and login to RA Studio, it downloads the Handbook. You can see all the changes that you made to all the configuration settings and parameters here besides the default values assigned initially.

After this, it asks you permission for starting the instance. Once the product is successfully started, you can start using Shadowbase Monitor on Web ViewPoint Enterprise. You may choose which Shadowbase objects and metrics you would like to monitor and visualize on the Global Dash.

You can also set up any alert conditions and thresholds for various metrics and take automated action before things go wrong.

To make any changes in the future regarding the configuration parameters and settings, you can visit the Manage Section on your My NonStop and make the required changes on the installed products. 

Configuring Shadowbase processes in MEASINEX file

MEASINEX file is shipped along with the Shadowbase Monitor Plugin and is present in your Web ViewPoint Install subvolume. Make sure that MEASINEX file contains all the correct Shadowbase Collector, Consumer & Queue Manager processes.

Example 1:

Example 1 shows how to configure a single instance of Collector, Consumer & Queue Manager processes in your MEASINEX file.

— Collector Counters

add userdef $SBCL

add counter ADTRECSREAD,     process $SBCL, accum

add counter ADTINSBUSY,      process $SBCL, busy

add counter ADTPRGDATAUSED,  process $SBCL, accum

— Consumer Counters

add userdef $SBCN

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBCN, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBCN, busy

add counter SQLSTMTSPREPBUSY,process $SBCN, busy

add counter USRXPROCBUSY,    process $SBCN, busy

— Queue Manager Counters

add userdef $SBQM

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBQM, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBQM, busy

add counter TARGETOPS,       process $SBQM, accum

Example 1:

Example 1 shows how to configure a single instance of Collector, Consumer & Queue Manager processes in your MEASINEX file.

— Collector Counters

add userdef $SBCL

add counter ADTRECSREAD,     process $SBCL, accum

add counter ADTINSBUSY,      process $SBCL, busy

add counter ADTPRGDATAUSED,  process $SBCL, accum

— Consumer Counters

add userdef $SBCN

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBCN, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBCN, busy

add counter SQLSTMTSPREPBUSY,process $SBCN, busy

add counter USRXPROCBUSY,    process $SBCN, busy

— Queue Manager Counters

add userdef $SBQM

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBQM, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBQM, busy

add counter TARGETOPS,       process $SBQM, accum

Example 2:

Example 2 shows how to configure a multiple (2) instances of Collector, Consumer & Queue Manager processes in your MEASINEX file.

Note: If there are more than 2, you will have to add the same lines for all the other processes.

— Collector Counters for Instance 2

add userdef $SBCL

add counter ADTRECSREAD,     process $SBCL, accum

add counter ADTINSBUSY,      process $SBCL, busy

add counter ADTPRGDATAUSED,  process $SBCL, accum

— Consumer Counters for Instance 1

add userdef $SBCN

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBCN, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBCN, busy

add counter SQLSTMTSPREPBUSY,process $SBCN, busy

add counter USRXPROCBUSY,    process $SBCN, busy

— Queue Manager Counters for Instance 1

add userdef $SBQM

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBQM, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBQM, busy

add counter TARGETOPS,       process $SBQM, accum

— Collector Counters for Instance 2

add userdef $SBCL2

add counter ADTRECSREAD,     process $SBCL2, accum

add counter ADTINSBUSY,      process $SBCL2, busy

add counter ADTPRGDATAUSED,  process $SBCL2, accum

— Consumer Counters for Instance 2

add userdef $SBCN2

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBCN2, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBCN2, busy

add counter SQLSTMTSPREPBUSY,process $SBCN2, busy

add counter USRXPROCBUSY,    process $SBCN2, busy

— Queue Manager Counters for Instance 2

add userdef $SBQM2

add counter ADTCONSIN,       process $SBQM2, accum

add counter ADTCONSBUSY,     process $SBQM2, busy

add counter TARGETOPS,       process $SBQM2, accum

Ensure that your Shadowbase Measure Counters are set to ON

 Make sure that your Shadowbase Measure counters are set to ON for all your Shadowbase processes you wish to collect the metrics for.

1. Navigate to your Shadowbase subvolume where AUDCOM is present.

Example: VOLUME $IDEL14.SHAD6500 



3. Check to see if the Measure counter is ON or OFF




Note: Where SBCL, SBCN & SBQM are the Shadowbase processes configured on this test server. These names could be different on your system.

4. Alter the Collector, Consumer & Queue Manager processes to set the Measure counters to ON




5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 if you have more than 1 processes configured.





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