Web ViewPoint Enterprise Knowledge Base
What are my options for adding and customizing Alerts?
Summary list displays a list of previously defined Alerts. Click on any column heading to sort the list for that column. Click on Edit or Delete button, next to each Alert to edit its profile, or delete its definition. Click on the Add button on the top right to add a new Alert profile.
Following are the parameters to select:
- Alert Name: Optionally, give an Alert a unique name.
- Group Name: Allows you to create a Group or select a predefined one. You can assign one or more Alerts to this Group. This helps when you want to deactivate or activate alerts based on a Group name.
- Status: Subject to Monitor Date & time period setting, an Alert Is Active when it is first added. You may set it to inactive here, or otherwise deactivate Alerts from the summary screen.
- What to watch for. There are 3 options:
1. EMS Events
2. Server Objects
3. Application Objects.
Settings for EMS Events are somewhat different than Server and Application Objects.
- EMS Events. Watches for certain EMS Events, based on matching criteria you set:
- Filter File: Select a Volume and Subvolume from the list. List of Filter files are displayed. Select a File, and choose whether Events which Pass through Filter, or otherwise should trigger this Alert.
- Events: Select a Collector, and optionally an Owner/Subsystem.
- Event Type / #. Select from a Severity type of Action or Critical (default Is any) or specify an event number.
- String: Specify a string of characters to match in the Text field of incoming Events. With WebViewPoint Enterprise AAS-AAT onwards, String provides Complex Grammar Search Support meaning that now, users can use SSIDOWN CONTAINS or SSIDOWN NOT CONTAINS and TEXT CONTAINS or TEXT NOT CONTAINS queries and they use AND and OR logical operators to write these complex queries within the String Search Field itself.
- Frequency:
- Whether a notification is sent only once, or every so often (minutes), until the Alert condition is resolved.
- Whether an additional notification should be sent when an Alert condition is resolved.
- Monitor: Weekdays, and hours to watch for matching Events. You can also set up Contiguous Alerts now.
- Tolerance: Whether a matching Event should cause an immediate Alert (zero tolerance), or a period of tolerance should be considered before another matching Event is noted.
- Include: EMS components to include in an Alert message.
- Severity: Specify specific severity per Alert. If specified, then the alert includes the severity level in the JSON/SNMP etc. notification.
- Server & Application Objects. For Server, you may select from a list of available NonStop Objects. For an Application, select an Application first, and next from a list of its available Objects. Depending on the selected Object (e.g. Disk, Process), you may be prompted to enter an Object name, or matching considerations.
- Metric: Select from available options.
- Threshold: Set conditions that in your judgment consider a minor or major Alert condition. You may select one, or both conditions.
- Tolerance: Whether a threshold violation should cause an immediate Alert (zero tolerance), or a period of tolerance should be considered. In that case, an Alert is noted if the matching Object continuously violates either one or both thresholds’ setting beyond the tolerance period.
- Log every breach. Whether every noted breach should be noted, or only when it persists post period of tolerance.
- Monitor: Interval at which the condition/threshold should be monitored, and on which weekdays, and hours. You can also set up Contiguous Alerts now.
- Forward: Set how an Alert should be forwarded, and to whom. You may have different settings for Minor and Major violations. If Sync checkbox is ticked, then making change for one will be reflected on the other. Forward options are:
- Enterprise Manager. Forwards messages from NonStop to your Enterprise monitoring systems/applications. Delivery options are SNMP (e.g., forward to Tivoli), JSON (e.g., forward to Moog), and SYSLOG. For each, information on how to send messages must be specified in Admin – Delivery.
- Email / Text Delivery. Select any one or more users from the displayed list box, and choose from either Email or Text delivery options. Note that these options appear, only if all selected users have their email and phone # recorded in their profile.
- Frequency:
- Whether a notification is sent only once, or every so often (minutes), until the Alert condition is resolved.
- Whether an additional notification should be sent when an Alert condition is resolved.
- Escalate to: Select one or more persons who should be notified via Email or Text, if the Alert condition is not resolved after a period (minutes).
- Take Action: Set whether an automated action should be taken when an Alert condition is noted. Choices are:
- Obey file: Select an Obey file (progressively select from Node, Subvolume, and File list box), and an Out location (file name or Spooler entry) where the outcome of the operation should be logged.
- TACL Macro. Select a TACL Macro file (progressively select from Node, Subvolume, and File list box), an Out location (file name or Spooler entry) where the outcome of the operation should be logged, and any text which should be passed to the TACL macro.
Click on Submit to add the new Alert profile.