Getting Started
- Alerts - Overview
- Are there any prerequisites before I create and forward Alerts?
- How can I forward Alerts to Enterprise Manager Tools?
- What are my options for adding and customizing Alerts?
- How can I check the status of my Alerts?
- How can I Activate and Deactivate Alerts?
- Do I have an option of viewing Alerts that were generated i.e. Alert Logs?
- How can I take an automated action when the Alert conditions are breached?
- Can I copy Alerts from one NonStop server to another?
- How can I suppress alerts for duplicate EMS messages?
- How can I escalate Alerts?
- How can I check Alert Detail for a specific metric?
- How can I configure/update SMTP information?
- Overview - Create and Manage Users and Response Teams
- Are there multiple authentication methods?
- Can I restrict user permissions to specific sections of the Product?
- Can staff members create their own Alerts?
- Can Manager add Alerts and make them public to other Staff users?
- Add a Group instead of individual aliases
- User Access Log
Onboard Your Own Apps
Configurations and Considerations
Troubleshooting Tips
Smart Metrics
Connecting to Local Analyst
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WVP E also offers connection to an in-house subsystem (i.e., Local Analyst) which can maintain a lifelong history of system performance data. To configure WVP E to connect to Local Analyst, the below parameter needs to be updated.
Step 1
- Navigate to the OSS location where the WVP E UI files are installed.
By default, the path is set to /usr/tandem/wvpe. To find this information, logon to My Nonstop, click on ‘Status Detail’ button for Web ViewPoint Enterprise installed instance. This opens a new window that includes the OSS location detail.
- Edit the host.json file in the data folder /usr/tandem/wvpe/assets/data.
- Update the ‘cloudLink’ parameter to match that of the Local Analyst URL.
Ex: “cloudLink”: “”
Step 2
- For Local Analyst, go to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on Windows Server. Make sure that the Website set up for Local Analyst here has a Self-Signed Certificate.
Create a Self-Signed Certificate using the Actions panel on the right of the screen here for your Local Analyst website, if not done already.
Once done, go to “Sites” from the Connections panel on the left of the screen. Click on “Bindings” from the Action Panel on the right of the screen.
Verify Bindings – Click on LocalAnalyst in left pane then click on Bindings in the right pane. If no binding is present, click on Add and enter the information mentioned below:
Add the following and click OK.
- Type: https
- Port: Default is 443
This should set up your Local Analyst on a self-signed HTTPS certificate.
Go to your main browser on your local machine where you access your Web ViewPoint Enterprise. In a new tab, go to your Local Analyst IP address using https. For example, type “https://<your-local-analyst-ip>/” in your browser address bar and accept the certificate prompt.
Click on “Advanced” here and click on “Proceed to <your-local-analyst-ip>” and accept the certificate.
Step 3
Change the “CodeBehind” to “CodeFile” in C:\Program Files (x86)\Local Analyst\Local Analyst Services\Website\NSLiveLogOn.aspx and then restart the LA Webserver.
- Now launch the WVP E URL in any browser and logon.
- In the Summary Page, click on the cloud icon on the toolbar for any NonStop Server to access all historical data spanning years. Enter the Local Analyst username and password to connect.
If your Local Analyst password is previously entered, then you will securely and automatically be logged into Local Analyst and see activities of your system in full detail. You then have access to all historical data LA maintains and may use all its features.
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