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How can I configure SNMP protocol?

Before you begin
To modify alert notification settings, you must be assigned the Administrator role. You must be running an SNMP management application in your system environment. Management Information Base (MIB) files are provided via WVPMIB file which will be part of your installation files (within WVP E subvolume). You must set up the SNMP trap receiver with the MIB files to receive SNMP traps from Web ViewPoint Enterprise (WVP E). WVP E software supports the following versions of SNMP:
Model Level Authentication Encryption
v1 noAuthNoPriv Community String No
v2c noAuthNoPriv Community String No
v3 noAuthNoPriv Username No
v3 authNoPriv Message Digest 5 (MD5) or Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) No
v3 authPriv MD5 or SHA Data Encryption Standard (DES)
To send SNMP traps using v1, you will need to:

1. Stop WVP E instance – Logon to My NonStop, navigate to Manage section and click on Stop button for Web ViewPoint Enterprise installed instance.

2. Configure the PARAM – In My NonStop’s Manage section, click on Edit button for Web ViewPoint Enterprise installed instance. Next, navigate to Configure Params section and search for PARAM SNMP-VERSION. You’ll be provided 3 options i.e., v1, v2 & v3. Select the radio button for v1 and click on Submit.

3. Add RUN command to STRTWVPE – By default, the run command to start the UMPSNMP program (i.e., SNMP Program used to trigger alerts using SNMP v1) is not added. Add the below line to STRTWVPE file (present in WVP E install subvol) if you are using the v1 version.


4. Start WVP E instance – In My NonStop’s Manage section, click on Start button for Web ViewPoint Enterprise installed instance.

Lastly, follow the instructions specified in Step 2 below to configure the Trap receiver settings and add alerts. 
To send SNMP traps using v2, you will need to:
  1. Logon to My NonStop, navigate to Manage section click on Edit button for Web ViewPoint Enterprise installed instance. Next, navigate to Configure Params section and search for PARAM SNMP-VERSION. You’ll be provided 3 options i.e., v1, v2 & v3. Select the radio button for v2 and click on Submit.
  2. Follow the steps below to configure SNMP persistent process on OSS.
  3. Follow the steps below to configure the Trap receiver settings and add alerts.
Depending on the type of security levels, SNMPv3 configuration and setup varies.

A. For no authentication protocol, you will need to set the below param(s) in STRTWVPE file and follow the standard steps to configure the persistent process in OSS.

    1. Logon to My NonStop, navigate to Manage section click on Edit button for Web ViewPoint Enterprise installed instance. Next, navigate to Configure Params section and search for PARAM SNMP-VERSION. You’ll be provided 3 options i.e., v1, v2 & v3. Select the radio button for v3 and click on Submit.
    2. Update the PARAM OSSPPD-PROCESS to the process name configured step (A) (All PARAM configuration must be done via My NonStop). Note that this param needs to be added only if you change the default SNMP process from $USNMP to a different process name.
    3. Follow the steps below to configure SNMP persistent process on OSS.
    4. Follow the steps below to configure the Trap receiver settings and add alerts.

B. For SNMP v3 with authentication, in addition to the steps mentioned in (A) above, you must have a specific set of properties configured (within the wvpe_snmp_configuration.properties) in order for Web ViewPoint Enterprise to successfully communicate with them.

Fields in wvpe_snmp_configuration.properties file which is a part of snmp.tar file






  • In the authentication_passphrase line, type the string to use as a secret key for authentication between SNMPv3 standard hosts, when calculating a message digest. The passphrase can be 16 octets long for MD5 and 20 octets long for SHA-1.
  • In the privacy_passphrase line, type the string to use in the encryption algorithm as a secret key for encryption between SNMPv3 standard hosts. The length of this key must be 16 octets for DES and longer for the AES protocols.
  • In the engineID line, type the string value to identify the device on which the management information is hosted. 
Step 1: Steps configure to SNMP persistent process on OSS
To send alerts from WVP E to the SNMP receiver, the WVP E SNMP component needs to be installed in the OSS space. This component receives messages from notification component of WVP E and sends out corresponding SNMP traps to the SNMP receiver. 1) Go to OSS space, create a directory named usnmp in the following location /usr/tandem.


cd /usr/tandem

mkdir usnmp

Example: /usr/tandem/usnmp

2) Transfer the snmp.tar file to the newly created directory.

NOTE: snmp.tar file is present within PPAK pak file (which is present within your WVP E install subvolume).

You can transfer the snmp.tar file in 2 ways:

Method 1: You can download it from your WVP E subvolume and transfer it to OSS directory via any FTP client.


Method 2: You can transfer it to OSS side from Guardian via OSH commands by following the below instructions.

1. Logon to OSS space, navigate to location where you have WVP E installed (replace VOLUME/SUBVOLUME with your WVP E install volume subvolume on guardian side).


2. Check to make sure that snmp file is present within that location.



3. Now, copy over the snmp file from this location to your OSS location (i.e. to directory you created in step 1).

cp snmp /usr/tandem/usnmp

4. Navigate to /usr/tandem/usnmp location and verify if the file has been copied over by using below commands.

cd /usr/tandem/usnmp


5. Rename snmp to snmp.tar by running the below command.

mv snmp snmp.tar

3) Extract the contents from the tar file by running the below command. tar -o -xvf snmp.tar /usr/tandem/snmp: tar -o -xvf snmp.tar x snmp4j.jar, 473413 bytes, 925 tape blocks x umpSNMP.class, 11590 bytes, 23 tape blocks x umpSNMPStart.sh, 505 bytes, 1 tape blocks wvpe_snmp_configuration.properties, 4) Edit umpSNMPStart.sh file
  1. Modify the java related parameters.
  2. If needed, change the directory name from /usr/tandem/dir/ to corresponding one (i.e. added in Step 1).
cd /usr/tandem/dir                to cd /usr/tandem/usnmp export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/tandem/dir/snmp4j.jar:.                                     to export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/tandem/usnmp/snmp4j.jar:. Note: usnmp is an example directory. You can change that to your desired directory. 5) If the TCP Process is a different from $ZTC0, define the specific process name. (add_define =tcpip^process^name file=\$NAME) in the umpSNMPStart.sh file. #!/bin/sh cd /usr/tandem/usnmp export _RLD_LIB_PATH=$_RLD_LIB_PATH:/usr/tandem/javaexth11/lib export JAVA_HOME=/usr/tandem/nssjava/jdk180_h80/ export JREHOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/tandem/javaexth11/lib/tdmext.jar export PATH=/usr/tandem/javaexth11/bin:$PATH export APP=umpSNMP export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/tandem/usnmp/snmp4j.jar:. add_define =tcpip^process^name file=\$NAME run -name=/G/usnmp /usr/tandem/nssjava/jdk180_h80/bin/java $APP NOTE: Make sure there is no blank line before the script above. 6) Give execute permission to the script file using the below command. chmod 755 ./umpSNMPStart.sh 7) On guardian, add the persistent process information via SCF. To do so, go to SCF prompt, modify the required fields as mentioned below and run the lines (as shown below).

i. Change the below highlighted CPU value if necessary.

ii. Change the DEAFULTVOL location. This could be the default volume of the user who is logged on to NonStop.

iii. Keep the AUTORESTART value as 00 by default. Change it, if necessary.

iv. Make sure the OSS path /usr/tandem/usnmp/umpSNMPStart.sh is the same one you created in Step 1.

ADD PROCESS $ZZKRN.SNMP, & AUTORESTART 00, & CPU 00, & DEFAULTVOL $IDEL00.QABKCOL , & HIGHPIN ON , & HOMETERM $ZHOME , & INFILE $ZHOME , & NAME $USVM0 , & ASSOCPROC $USNMP , & OUTFILE $ZHOME , & PRIORITY 146 , & PROGRAM $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.OSH , & SAVEABEND OFF , & STARTMODE MANUAL , & STARTUPMSG “-osstty -p /usr/tandem/usnmp/umpSNMPStart.sh <- >>/tmp/umpSNMP.out 2>>/tmp/umpSNMP.err” , & STOPMODE STANDARD , & TYPE OTHER, & USERID SUPER.SUPER 8) To start the process (in SCF): START PROCESS $ZZKRN.SNMP 9) Verify that the process is running by running the below command in SCF. -> Status PROCESS $ZZKRN.SNMP NONSTOP KERNEL – Status PROCESS \NSCLOUD.$ZZKRN.#SNMP Symbolic Name                    Name   State    Sub Primary  Backup   Owner                                                      PID      PID      ID SNMP                            $USVM0 STARTED      3 ,1026  None     255,255 SNMP                            $USNMP STARTED      3 ,1097  None     255,255 10) To stop the process (in SCF): ABORT PROCESS $ZZKRN.SNMP Now, you can set up the alert to go to SNMP.
Step 2: To configure SNMP alert notifications, complete the following steps:

1. In the menu bar in the web-based GUI, go to Admin > Delivery.

2. Under the SNMP tab, specify new settings or remove existing settings.

To specify new settings, input the below fields and click on Submit. Name: Specify any name of the SNMP for sending SNMP traps. IP address: Specify the host that is configured to receive SNMP traps. You can specify a host name, an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address depending on what is supported within your environment. Port: Specify the port number for receiving SNMP traps. SNMP trap messages are sent to this port when an alert condition is detected. By default, the port is set to 162. 
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