Log Browser
This feature opens a Window where you can view VHS (Virtual Home terminal System) messages sent to the VHS primary log file. You can control the type and scope of the messages that get displayed based on a set of criteria you define in the Settings Panel (Upper section). Following is a description of the available options on the Setting Panel:
- Node: Select from the list of available Servers/Nodes.
- VHS Environment: Select from the list of available VHS environments in the log file. This list is determined from the previously learnt environments and the server startup file used by Web ViewPoint Enterprise.
- Environments: Existing VHS environments on the node on which Web ViewPoint Enterprise is running can be learnt. Web ViewPoint Enterprise looks for processes of the VHS program file. The environment names learnt are the names of the corresponding VHS processes. Please note that the learning operation takes a few minutes. Learnt environments are remembered.
- Records: Select from 25, 50, and 100, the maximum number of recent entries to be displayed at one-time on the Browser Window. New information is appended at the end as they arrive, and older entries are removed as the selected limit is reached.
- Refresh: Select a refresh rate from every 1, 5 or 10 minutes. This specifies how often the browser screen will communicate to the server to retrieve and display the latest information.
There are three search options which give you more control over what gets displayed on the screen. These are placed on a toolbar on the upper part of the window. They are:
- After: Specify a date and/or time to set as the starting point for the displayed messages. Only VHS messages after that date/time will be generated. Date format is 10/31/2017. Time format is hh:mm:ss. You may select the desired date from the calendar.
- Process: Enter the process name or id of a process generating VHS message(s). Only messages generated by this process will be displayed.
- Text: Enter a string of characters to be matched against the selected set of VHS messages. Only those for which there is a match between any part of their text, and the text entered here will be displayed. The match is case sensitive and does not support wild-card or other special search characters (e.g. “?”). All characters are treated as normal ASCII characters. On large files you will see a search status indicator. You may enter none, one or more Search options. Please note that this criteria is applied to incoming live messages. If needed, you may click on the Reset button to reset all selections to your last selected settings.
Click on the Scan button once your selections are made. The lower panel, VHS-Log Browser Live Window will be displayed based on your defined settings.
It displays a set of most recent VHS messages (from the current log file) & is refreshed regularly based on your settings in Log Browser Settings Panel. To stop the refresh, click on the “Pause” icon on the toolbar. The icon changes to “Play” icon. You may click on this icon to resume the automatic refresh operation.
Note: WVP E’s VHS interface object file CCMOPER checks for VHS PROMPT files in the $SYSTEM volume.
a) To search in a different volume set PARAM VHS-SEARCH in the STRTWVPE file before CCMMGR.
b) To search in all volumes (but it may take a while depending on the number of volumes):