Overview – Create and Manage Users and Response Teams
Creating and Managing Users
Head over to Admin -> Users.
This is where you select who should have access to Web ViewPoint Enterprise and its selected features.
Note: “Enforce-Security” parameter needs to be set to “YES” on NonStop for this feature to be applicable. Otherwise, all NonStop users will have access to WVP Enterprise and all its features. However, they will still be restricted to what their Guardian user id entitle them to.
User Types
WVP E users are divided into two types:
- Manager – This type of users has access to all features and can perform all user maintenance and access authorization functions.
- A Manager may add/update/delete users of either Manager or Staff Type.
- A Manager can change a Staff user into a Manager.
- First Manager user is set at initial installation, where the installer is asked to identify the guardian user id (Group.User) of a Manager Type.
- Staff – This Type of users can be restricted to specific features.
Adding a User
Click on the Add button on the top right to add a new User, and enter the following:
- Guardian User ID/Alias: Guardian username (Group.user) or Alias.
- Email: User’s email address.
- Mobile #: User’s cell #.
- Phone Carrier: Click on the drop down and select from the available mobile carrier (Note: if desired carrier is not in the list you can add it via Admin – Phone Carriers section).
- Status: Click to toggle user from Active to Inactive.
- Type: Select from Manager or Staff user Type. Setting varies depending on Type:
- Manager. From the displayed list select Servers the user should have access to & be a manager of.
- Staff.
- Events
- Yes. User can access the Event features. Select Yes or No to control whether the user can Acknowledge Events.
- No. User can access the Events features.
- Events
- Operation
- All. User can access all features under Operation.
- Only. User can access selected Operation features you can select from the following list:
- Pathway
- Spooler
- Storage (includes Guardian and OSS)
- Operation
- Analyses
- All. User can access all features under Analyses.
- Only. User can access selected Analyses features you can select from the following list:
- Events
- Storage
- Admin
- Select Yes or No to control whether the user can forward Alert notification, or set automated response using the “Take Action” feature.
- Analyses
Click on the Save button when done.
Editing a User
Click on the Edit icon on the row of the User you select. User’s current setting will be displayed. Make changes as needed and click on the save button when done.
Deleting a User
Click on the Delete icon on the row of the User you select. Confirm to delete.
Creating a Response Team
Response Team is a list of individuals who do not have NonStop/Guardian user ids but nevertheless need to receive emails or SMS messages in the event of an Alert being triggered. You can configure users without having to associate them with Nonstop user IDs.
Simply navigate to Admin -> Response Team for configuring a user for the Response Team.
Configuring a User
To add a new user, click on the Add button on the upper right side of the Window.
On the new popup Window, enter the following information for the new user:
- Name: Free format name you can assign to the user.
- Email: User’s email address.
- Mobile #: User’s mobile/cell number
- Phone Carrier: Click on the drop down and select from the available mobile carrier (Note: if desired carrier is not in the list you can add it via Admin – Phone Carriers section).
- Status: Click to toggle user from Active to Inactive.
- For: Select the NonStop Servers the user should receive Alerts from.
Click on the Save button when done. You can also edit/delete the user as per your preferences later through the Response Team List.